Updates, Information, and News About Cass County

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cass County Seeks to Improve Customer Service

Cass County Updates & Adopts New Building Codes
By Brian L. Baker

Harrisonville, Mo. – This past December three public meetings were held to allow public input into county building codes and the adoption of new international codes. Commissioners Jon Seabaugh, Jim Meara, and Gary Mallory approved the new codes on December 30, 2008.

The County Commission adopted the 2006 International Codes and the 2005 National Electric code. These newly adopted codes will go into effect February 1, 2009. The specific codes that were adopted are as follows: 2006 International Building Code (IBC); 2006 International Fire Code (IFC); 2006 International Residential Code for 1 & 2 Family Dwellings (IRC); 2006 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC); 2006 International Plumbing Code (IPC); 2005 National Electric Code.

The new commissioners that took office at the beginning of 2009 are anxious to work with the Building & Codes Department to improve customer service and public relations with builders, developers, and citizens. Associate Commissioner Bill Cook stated, “We are working to improve our public services to the community. Updating our codes, improving safety, and communication are keys to improving how our codes department works with citizens and developers. We want to be approachable as a county.”

The County Commission sites their understanding that building codes provide protection from tragedy caused by fire, structural collapse and general deterioration in our homes, schools, stores and manufacturing facilities. Safe buildings are achieved through proper design and construction practices and a code administration program that ensures compliance. Home and business owners have a substantial investment that is protected through a sound codes plan.

While the need for sound codes is important, the Cass County Commission also understands that government should not be a burden. “Our goal is to help our codes department help the citizens. We do not want to be a hindrance to builders, developers, and families,” stated Presiding Commissioner Gary Mallory. “Our goal is to serve citizens.”

Associate Commissioner Brian Baker concurred, “The preservation of life and safety, as well as the maintenance of property values over time, is the intent of a sound uniform code. I hope that these changes are a positive step forward in serving our citizens in a more effective way and reduce the burden of ‘red-tape’ on builders and businesses.”

The adopted amendments to the referenced codes can be obtained from the Cass County Building Codes Department. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Cass County Building Codes Department during normal business hours at 816-380-8134. Traey Lambertz is the Cass County Director of Building Codes.

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