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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Virtual School Takes BIG Steps...Enrollment Increases; Class Begin in August

By Brian L. Baker

John F. Kennedy once said, “The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were.”

We did dream of things that never were and traveled past the horizon of limits to offer students a new opportunity in education. Legislators and education leaders looked forward to new frontiers. The result was the Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MoVIP), an advanced method of education that uses technology to expand educational opportunities for students.

Enrollment in Missouri’s virtual school began in May and today is at 91% capacity. In fact, MoVIP is expected to serve over 14,000 semester courses serving over 2,200 students in our state. Based on current enrollment, MoVIP will serve 711 elementary students and 1,573 high-school students. Over 600 of these students will be full-time, taking 12 semester courses per year. Over 1,600 students will be enrolled part time, taking between 1 semester course and 11 semester courses per year.

Courses offered will include English, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages. Further, high school students will have access to trigonometry, physics, biology, statistics, and special courses like web design and art history.

Connections Academy, our elementary curriculum provider, is working with DESE to hire state-certified teachers and will open an office in Jefferson City. Northwest Missouri State University will provide services for our high-school courses. Both providers are moving forward and will be ready for our August class-start.

Missouri is taking a lead in our nation to provide one of the most innovative and progressive educational opportunities ever afforded to children through the MoVIP. The school introduces a virtual-technology alternative to enhance traditional classroom learning for thousands of Missouri students. The program is “state of the art” and is operated by the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education with certified teachers and meets our rigorous state standards.

This program does not entail students sitting around looking at a computer screen. Textbooks, hands-on lab work and actual paperwork are required by the curriculum that will be offered.

Imagine…being able to listen to Albert Einstein during a science lesson. Imagine, as you read about World War II being able to hear President Roosevelt give a speech. Imagine as you learn about our ever-changing environment being able to watch actual tsunami footage – ALL at the push of a button. Imagine combining text-book work, hands-on science experiments, and live-communication with other students from around the state. Imagine your student in a live on-line discussion with the Governor of Missouri.

Students will receive one-on-one attention from a certified teacher, learn at their own pace, and receive an accredited education from their home. The opportunities are nearly endless.

Many of our rural districts are struggling to hire qualified and state-certified science and math teachers. Your student can enroll in the VIP school part-time. From a community library, school library, or even at home a student in a small rural district could receive a physics class or a calculus class. The VIP technology allows our small rural school districts to offer student more opportunities to learn and grow.

Further, it is a tool for our struggling inner-city schools.

St. Louis and Kansas City have struggled for years to maintain accreditation and reach their children with a quality education. Today, St. Louis schools are being over-taken by the state. MoVIP is available to serve our inner-city students. MoVIP allows us to conquer the class-room size issues facing our big inner-city schools. It allows students to avoid violence and pressures facing our inner-city neighborhoods. Students can learn safely from home, at their own pace, and receive that special attention that will give them a true head-start to success.

Missouri is taking a lead in moving education into new frontiers. Like past generations, we are working toward conquering the cynics and sailing toward new horizons.

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